Harris, I heard the Serblin Ktemas in my Dealer's treated showroom 3 weeks ago paired with a Vitus RI-100. The sound was relaxed, yet dynamic, effortless, smooth and articulate. The Ktemas are good sound stagers. The latest generation of Accuphase instrumention type amps are beautifully built and have good power and control (which has always been the achilles heal of earlier models). Very nice eye candy as well!
You might have guessed i'm more of a Vitus fan, and own Vitus Signature series gear. If you can access genuine (non-gray market) Accuphase gear in Japan at good prices, that would be a safe bet as it has traditionally had good resale value.
You might have guessed i'm more of a Vitus fan, and own Vitus Signature series gear. If you can access genuine (non-gray market) Accuphase gear in Japan at good prices, that would be a safe bet as it has traditionally had good resale value.