Thanks for all the comments so far. It's interesting that there is no concensus as far as these devices go. It appears to be somewhat system dependent. I put the running springs conditioner on my old front end and at the time it was nothing short of amazing. Probably the single biggest leap in system performance I have had. Now that I have better everything (preamp, amp,cables, dedicated lines) the running springs ruins the soundstaging. There are still some elements of the sound that are better with it in place, but in general, it is better without it now. There are other line conditioner manufacturers out there, but one rarely hears much banter about them with the exception of Shunyata, which I found to not perform as well as the running springs in my system. I have seen a burmeister, nordost, accuphase, etc. Anyone try these? More thoughts on the sound application welcome as I have ordered one to demo. BTW the price has gone up on these things. It better be great!