Best finds at garage sale or similar establishment

I recently found a 1990's model yamaha cassette deck (three heads, bias control, etc.) at a goodwill for $13.00. While clearly out of step with my VPI, VTL, and Martin Logan gear, I still listen to tapes in the car and wanted something decent to record some of my 4000 + Lp collection. I find it remarkable that something that cost so little can provide so much pleasure. I was curious if any of my fellow goners have had a similar experience with cheap finds.
Bought the second model of the Sony Betamax VCR at a thrift shop on the Oregon coast. It was dusty, but otherwise in perfect condition. Gave it a good cleaning; and since I was in the professional video editing and distribution business, I was also able to test it for playback and recording quality. It worked perfectly, though the mechanical switch contacts needed a good cleaning.
Had it in my office as a display piece for a few years. Eventually sold it to the manager of a local TV station that collected vintage video equipment. Sold it for $500.00; which was a huge markup from the $20.00 I originally paid for it!
i really love thrift store. I go on a regular basic.
I sold a lot of thing but keep:
A Sanyo serie plus T-35 tuner $7.50
A Belkin av pure power conditionner Mint $24.50
A Yamaha M40 FREE--- Local web add for free stuff.
A Acoustic Reseach AR 3 pair/$10.00??? My BEST SCORE
A Royal Doulton Jug collectible Mint $3.50
A TAG HEUER Formula 1 watch authentic $3.50
A Alvarz acoutic guitar Made St-louis, USA $19.50
I'm a yard sale maniac. Best deals Toby jug $1.00, Fisher 500 C receiver $1.00, 300 RCA Living Stereo and Mercury Living Presence LPs $900.