You know you're an audiophile if--

You just got a pair of speakers you can barely move yourself (inverse proportionality with age probably too)

The first house you bought cost less than your current stereo investment (ditto)

You have boxes of cables with which you don't know what to do
you've finally assembled your system and the new focus is wire and interconnect management--how to hide the mess...
When you hear things like "lets set the record straight", "off the record", "he may have set a new record", you envision those round vinyl thingies...
You look around the house for things to pawn to buy audio gear. I'm thinking the lamp is worth at least fifty bucks...
If you own a separate bank account linked to PayPal to manage your buy/sell transactions.

Well, if the account was not initially known to your spouse but later got revealed, then ...
You've "upgraded" and "upgraded", selling the "old" stuff on Agon or Ebay....only to wind up buying a piece you used to have because it is SS but sounds like Tubes. Because you're afraid of the "Tube" hassles.