You know you're an audiophile if--

You just got a pair of speakers you can barely move yourself (inverse proportionality with age probably too)

The first house you bought cost less than your current stereo investment (ditto)

You have boxes of cables with which you don't know what to do
You know you're an audiophile...When you pursue the highest fidelity possible within your budget.
Go find some Customer Service in PC Audio-now THAT was
funny! I got one, how about if I look for some CONVENIENCE
to go with that Customer Service? How about if I look for
some Customer Service from a PC Audio Manufacturer RATHER than from another PC Audio Customer? Your killing me-Hotmailjbc! Who says that PC Audio Lunatics have no sense of humor? "Take my Wife, my PC Audio Customer Service, and loads of my own Money-PLEASE"! I will even pay PC Audio
Manufacturer to take all of them off of my hands, because I am a Loony Toons PC Audio Lunatic! I will arbitrate any
Labor dispute negotiations, any takers? I make such a good
Defense Attorney, I will even go to Jail with you for a
very-very-very long time! I promise!
You know you're an audiophile, when you save every month for your next upgrade...and think every night on which pieces of gear to buy.
You report off sick from work for the day because the system doesnt seem quite right and you need to dial in the soundstage.
I prefer the term "audiophiliac" to "audiophile" because it suggests a chronic condition.