You know you're an audiophile if--

You just got a pair of speakers you can barely move yourself (inverse proportionality with age probably too)

The first house you bought cost less than your current stereo investment (ditto)

You have boxes of cables with which you don't know what to do
128x128vermonter paraphrase a Nelson Pass quote, "a wine snob will taste bad wine and get enough out of it even if it's only to complain." Speaking as someone with over 35 years in the wine business and as long chasing the audio dragon, I put forth that vintage Pioneer, Sansui, and Marantz receivers are comparable to older vintage Bordeaux, that current comparable all-in-ones - with rare exception - are Two Buck Chuck, and that current first growth Bordeaux are Pass Labs, VTL, BAT, etc. comments
Your house gets robbed but they didn't take the stereo because that old tube junk isn't worth anything.
You know you're an audiophile if you've discarded a record or CD because it didn't have enough inner detail or wasn't awash in enough artificial reverb to suit your audiophile tastes.

A music lover on the other hand ...