Audio Research PH6 Phono Stage - How is it?

I know most of Audio Research stuff is top end with little complaints about anything they make. I like tube gear and have more of a preference for the tube sound but looking for a phono stage with little noise. I know the PH8 reference phono stage is a true reference standard but way out of my price range. So that brings me to the PH6, which retails for around $3,500. Not too many reviews on this one and hasn't been compared to other phono stages at a similar price point. There are some good competition at this price, especially the Herron VTPH2, which is also a great phono stage. Does anyone have any information about the PH6?

My current system is Primaluna Dialogue HP Integrated Amp, VPI Prime turntable, Ortofon Quintet Black MC cartridge, Sonus Faber Olympica III speakers. Much appreciation!
Djfst, you have have very nice system. What are you using for a phono currently?
There are fans here of the Herron and Aesthetix, both good choices.
In your price range, I would also look at the other suspects-Cary,Rogue,Manley.
You're going to have some noise regardless of brand. My Fosgate(tubed) is very quiet. Unless I crank my PL HP past midway, and put my ear next to the speaker, I don't hear the inherent tube noise ALL units have to some degree. Figure you're going to want to switch the stock tubes regardless what you end up with, which will bring the noise level down a bit depending on what is supplied stock.
You may want to audition the Aurorasound Vida Phono as well in this price range. This is not a tube pre but has many tube qualities with very little, if any, noise. The midrange is very unique and addictive!
Using a Dynavector Xvs-1 cartridge on a full spec LP12.

I am not sure how well the PH6 works with moving coil cartridges. My dealer (who does not have either a PH6 or PH8 on demo) suggested I would be happier with a PH8 for a moving coil cartridge.

For what it's worth, I also have a Fosgate Signature phono stage and I am very happy with it. It is very quiet and easy to adjust. I have thought about the PH8. The rest of my system is all ARC. But at this point I would need to hear one in my system and compare it to the Fosgate.
I've been reading some of your threads, and what you're attempting to do is very risky. I know that you are new to high end audio, but going by reviews and opinions is not good enough. Generally speaking, as you go up the ladder with high end components, they become more detailed and specialized. And that makes them much more difficult to match. If you want to be successful, this is something you have to do yourself. Components don't always sound like they say they do in the magazines.

I won't tell you what to do, but I would recommend that you take your time, and not rush into anything.