Sunfire Amps

Would like opinion about Sunfire amps. Do they sound like tube amps? Have you driven eletrostatics? If you have what was your impression. Thanks!
i think the sunfire is an excellent amp for the price . . . no, it doesn't sound like a tube amp, but it is warm and musical--i own one myself . . . as for Bob Carver taking "shortcuts", i hardly think that a patented digital tracking power supply which results in a relatively lightweight and powerful amp able to drive any conceivable real-world load is a "shortcut"
Junk. Does big glitzy ad campaigns, but products just don't make it. You see an awful lot of newly used unfire equipment on the market. That should tell you something.
I've had a sunfire amp for a year now and am really pleased with it. Sounds really musical to me. Great sound. I never understood why Bob Carver stuff got some much heat from some audiophiles. You'd think he was employed by Bose. haha
I have read some of the comments and beliefs on this topic. I only know what I hear. I have auditioned the new Sunfire Amps and they don't sound that much different than the amps Bob Carver built for the Carver Corp. . The only difference is the cosmetics and the price. I used to be able to afford his products , but now they are out of my price range. I have been a Carver fan and consumer for about 10 years, and all of my equipment is Carver,right down to the Carver Silver Series speakers. For the money that I spent, I haven't heard a better system yet. Bob Carver is a legitimate force to be reckoned with in the audio world, and he is not only a genius of audio technology but of maketing as well. In this day and age of competition between the Audio giants, Bob has carved out a small piece of the audio pie with a cult following that I am proud to be a part of .