Tube and Solid State Amps both Biwired

Hello, I think I'm in trouble. In my teste, tube amps are much closer to reality but with the exception of proper bass and volume. I want to run my B&W 801 S/II's biwired woofers by solid state, mid/highs are by a pair of mono tubes. Some people says very good idea, some other says two different sound will be perceived. Anyone who tried or listened such a thing and shares the information with me ?
I'm a big fan of bi-amping (separation of duties). Both active and vertical. Two way and three way speakers will have different requirements. A lot to do with x-over point. Two way speakers will be more diffcult to bi-amp due to it high x-over point. If your 801's x-over point is lower than 250Hz (low side of mid bass) I would'nt worry about a thing. You can use different interconnect and speaker cables (separation of duties) too. However, both amps need to have same gain. Email me with your system and spec and I'll give you my recommendation. You are in the right path.
...instead spending your money on "mediocre" tube/solid combo, buy yourself ONE good solid or tubed amp. Remember, more (*&*@#$#$ between you and the source, more distortions. Good Luck
...instead spending your money on "mediocre" tube/solid combo, buy yourself ONE good solid or tubed amp. Remember, more (*&*@#$#$ between you and the source, more distortions. Good Luck. P.S. It shouldn't be ANY difference between two "excelent" amps, being Tubed or SS