Plinius vs Sim Moon vs Ayre

Seeking a 100W or so amp with balanced inputs. Any opinions regarding superiority of any of the subject amps? Appearance means nothing, as amp is in basement below speakers. Any tubed suggestions instead? Must run balanced.
The Sim W5 is a great amp. You could find one for about $2600 used, although there aren't many to be had. The W3 is 125 watts and may suit your needs. Email if you want to know of a dealer who will give you a good deal.
Check out the Levinson 331 (dual mono 100 watts) or the new version 334 (dual mono 125 watts). Definitely worth a listen. The 331 can be found used between $2500-$3,000. The 334 is substantialy more and lucky to find used. Good luck...
Now that this thread has been resurrected, let me inform you amp addicts that I found a wonderful BAT VK-200 at a very good price. The sound is silky, solid, airy, not much like SS. I see there are more of them for sale on this site, and I can't understand why. If you want a dependable 100W that sounds more like 200 (I sold my Aragon 8008BB to get the BAT, and it plays just as loud), try the BAT.