Best used amp for < $500?

Poor college kid here. (we all were at one time, weren't we?) I'm looking for a good 2 channel amp for possible main usage, or possible bridging for my THX sub. I'm trying to keep the cost down below $350, max $500. What are my options? (I've looked at used Rotel, Marantz, NAD, Carver, AudioSource, Adcom)
For driving a sub, the PSE Studio IV is simply unbeatable, but it is hard to find. Shouldn't cost more than $400 if you do. Another killer bass amp is the original Belles 150. I doubt you will see one of these on the web though. Too old for most internet audiophiles.
Forte, Van Alstin, Acurus and Rotel are all good choices. Go to featured dealers in this listing. Go to Hollywood sound, he has the Acurus Dia 1oo integrated for 595 and several other models. I have bought many things from Larry, he is totally reliable.
Electron Kinetics Eagle 2. If you see one, jump on it. Vastly superior to NAD and Adcom. The on/off switch is notorious for going out, but can be replaced. Will drive a .5 ohm load all day long. Designed and built by the (late?) John Iverson.
Electron Kinetics Eagle 2. If you see one, jump on it. Vastly superior to NAD and Adcom. The on/off switch is notorious for going out, but can be replaced. Will drive a .5 ohm load all day long. Designed and built by the (late?) John Iverson.