What about South America and Antarctica?

I've had the good fortune to meet people through sales or questions from western and eastern Asia, western and eastern Europe, Africa, Australia, Oceania and of course North America. I simply find it amazing to have made friends in countries that fifteen years ago I feared or distrusted. I guess it shows it's our governments that create the isolation, not the people. I have found people all over the world are good and we all share a common soul. But where is South America? What about the poor lonely scientists in Antarctica, do they not share our interest in audio?
It would be great to hear from all seven continents and Oceania. What a great world and time we live in! I pray that we recognize how lucky we are and find a way to dissolve the last remaining hate in the world.
It has been a lot of fun meeting people (online) from all over the world. There have been some surprises too. I recently purchased a used pair of speaker cables from a gentlemen in Singapore, had them shipped to Germany for retermination, and then sent a check for the retermination to his mother in Nebraska, two states away from me. The Internet has made the world seem much smaller.
Okay, let's all hold hands and sing "Cum-Ba-Ya, my Lord..."

Peace is great and all that, but I'd venture to guess that most of us use LOTS of hydrocarbon-based products (e.g. oil, gasoline, some plastics, etc.). With that in mind, the time has come for GW to turn the middle east into a sheet of glass, after we finish pumping out every last drop of oil.

Don't want war for oil? Then trade in your SUV for a bicycle.
Gthrush1, if you are ready to stand by your convictions, send your automobile, stereo, computer and other energy using non-necessities to me. That way your conscience will be clear.

I haven't forgotten the people in New York, nor has George W.

These were civilians going about their daily lives doing what was expected of them. A preemptive defense response is absolutely called for in my mind, and much preferable to waiting until nuclear and additional bio attacks are brought to our homes.

Jadem6, your idea is right on, most people are decent and loving. Sorry to bring your topic to this point. It was not me that began twisting the subject.

Sorry too that I am still reactive and angry about 9-11 and the biological attacks on the United States.