NAD Reliability

Recently sold all my mid/hi-end equipment and purchased a NAD C317 and C540 for my primary system. Wanted to take a break and save some money -- I really enjoy the sound and am happy I made the decision -- however, I am starting to hear some negative things about NAD and their reliability. Can anyone ease my fears or should I think about selling? I know they were just purchased by the same company that owns PSB and I really like the sound. Thanks for any info on NAD.
I own four different stereos featuring NAD receivers, integrated amps, tuner, CD players. This equipment ranges from 15 years old, to new, and I've never had any trouble at all. Great value, very reliable. Jeff
I've found amps, pre's, tuners and receivers to be very reliable but have had several problems with CD players including a 5140 and a 502.
Hi. Let's see...I have a 20 year old 3020 integrated that powers the audio to my TV-it's on 24 hours a day and has never seen the inside of a repair shop. A 1020 pre-amp,21 years old is in my second system,also running 24 hours a day,also never a problem. Once upon a time,I also owned a 2140 power amp,it too was always reliable. Now keep in mind that all this stuff was from back when NAD was just getting started,but hey,it's the same company,right? ALL this stuff sounds great for the money,as you already now. Be cool,don't panic,Happy Listening! Bob
Well, I've sold NAD equipment over the last few year's, and the only real problems that I've encountered with my customers pieces have been with the CD players! Some may have had different experiences, but our running joke over the years was that NAD really stands for "Not Another Defective!"...Probably a little out of line!?!?