Advice for integrated amps

I am looking for opinions of the krell kav300i, plinius 8150i, and the manley stingray integrated amplifiers. I have heard the krell but not the other two. Also, if there are any opinions about the audio research ca50. thanks.
The only comments I've heard about the Krell KAV300i is that the Classé CAP150 or CAP151 are as good but considerably cheaper. This was from a fellow who auditioned both and preferred the Classé. Haven't heard any comments about the others. Hope this helps. Joel.
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I listened VAC Avatar integrated amp. and Legacy Classic speakers and Wadia 830 cd player. It is one of the best sounding "gear" i ever heard. At any price! Few years back, i had chance to hear Wadia, VAC, Avalon (eton drivers, same as Legacy)but at price of 150k. This "budget" set-up is as close to the "real thing" as possible, for the price. Try VaC avatar.