Bryston vs. McCormack

After deciding first on the Magnepan 1.6QR, then the Vandersteen 2ce Signature, I auditioned the Revelation 3 at length this weekend and bought a pair. They sounded that good to my ear. A Bryston 3B-ST was the amp of choice for the Maggies and Vandesteens, but the Hales are a different animal. Which would be a better match for the Hales: A Bryston 3B-ST or a McCormack DNA-0.5 or DNA-1? The only other part of the system already purchased is a CAL Alpha/Delta DAC-transport combination. For the pre-amp I've been leaning toward tubes, but mostly to tame the Bryston's (perceived) upper end brilliance or add a little focus for the Vandersteens. The overall characteristics of the Hales' is very close to the right sound: tight bass; not overly emphasized mid-range or treble, but not laid back, either; good timbre; smooth vocals. Which of these amps is going to lend the least amount of color to this sound? Also, any comments about putting a tube top-end into this system?
Left out some possibly important details: Listening is mostly jazz and "old guy" rock (no head banging...), but not limited to such (variety *is* the spice of life). 12.5'x17.5'x8' room (this will eventually change as I rent). The amp and pre-amp will be purchased *very* soon. Unfortunately I am not able to audition the McCormack and would buy it used. Feedback from anyone who is familiar with Bryston and McCormack would be appreciated. TIA.
I own the Hales 3 and DNA-1. I thought the DNA-05 didnt have enough power to drive the bass. If the u can find the DNA Deluxe used buy it. It sounds sweet. Another great choice for those speakers i hear is the Krell. If you are thinking of resale for the amp Krell is first.
Hi Fpeel; I've not heard the Bryston's, and they have a good reputation, but I know the McC. DNA-1 is a great amp. I used it for 3 years with both Vand. 2Ce and 3Asig speakers. It's neutral enough that it should do well with the Hales. I also like the SF Line 1 or 2 pre-amp with McCormack amps-- smooth, detailed, but definitely not "tubey" sounding (unless you change the stock tubes). Happy listening. Craig