Krell Showcase or Bryston SP 1.7

Has anyone tried or compared these latest models of preamp/processors? What were your impressions?
If you also throw the Sunfire into the mix with the SP 1.7 and the Krell Showcase, how do they compare for only Home surround processing??

I also have to give the Bryston SP 1.7 the thumbs up. Prior I owned a Proceed AVP. It was a great machine but I was unwilling to pay the huge upgrade cost. So I sold it and bought the 1.7 I have no regrets. I prefer the sound of the internal dacs of the 1.7 as well. Also the 1.7 has true analogue bypass which equals the BP-25. It is a great machine with 20 year warranty and excellent customer service.
Another vote for the SP1.7. Will "upgrade" my SP1 to it should I ever opt for the multi-channel audio. The SP1 and 1.7 are great pieces of audio engineering and value.