Preamp with a DNA-1, tube or SS?

I´m on the look-out for a new preamp, my poweramp is a McCormack DNA-1 dlx. Would it be better to go for a tube preamp? (like ARC, VTL) Speakers are Magnepan 3.6´s. I´d appreciate your help. Hasse
Hi,Lihifiguy. Actually, my DNA-1 Deluxe is scheduled with SMC Audio for the upgrade. I was going to do the Revision A upgrade, but Steve has recently come up with what he calls a Revision A Gold upgrade. It's over double the cost, but I've waited a while to upgrade the amp and don't want to keep sending it back so I'm going for it. Look for posts about a month and a half from now.
Hi Kleiman, That is some serious bucks for an upgrade and I would have to hear feedback from multiple sources that this upgrade blew away the revision A and would hold its own to a new DNA-125($1695.) with the same upgrade.If I would want extra power and sold my DNA-1 Dlx,I could get at least $1300. and $1400.more would get me a new DNA-225,that can also someday be upgraded.I gather that you may have weighed out all of these options.I am eager to hear your assessment once your unit is well burned in. Regards, Fred
Mettef, Another plus for the AI Modulus 3A is that it has a great phono stage. If you're into vinyl, it's worth giving it a listen. Lihifiguy,I'll be glad to let you know how upgrade works out. Kris, at SMc Audio assured me that the Gold is a major improvement so I'm putting my trust in them since they're just starting to do this upgrade and their reputation is excellent. I'm not having the balanced inputs done since the Mod 3A does not have balanced outputs.
Not to plug my own auction, but the presence audio linestage I am selling is being used with a dna-1 deluxe. I can sell you it for less than an Audible illusions and it is a fundamentally better unit. See my auction for details Preamplifiers-tube
Ditto on the Audible Illusions M3A and double ditto on their terrible service. This should definatly be a factor in your decision. I have had problems with my M3A (nasty noise when turning the volume controls and a loud fuzzy noise in one channel when turning it off). I gave up on AI ever returning my calls concerning this and had some one else fix it. But I have been very happy with the sound. I also bought mine 3 years ago from a dealer who was discontinuing carrying the line and got it new for $1400, an unbeatable deal. If you don't need a phono stage you may want to check out a passive preamp. Reguarding the DNA-1 revisions verses the DNA 225 (the new amp replacing the DNA-1)I was told the $3000, DNA 225 is comparable the B revision which goes for $500.