Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
Drewan ... re your comment about the DEQX DAC. I've been comparing the ARC CD-8 fully operational using its onboard DAC to going sans CD-8 DAC directly to the DEQX DAC. In the latter case, the CD-8 is being used just as a transport AND I am not using my ARC Ref 5 SE pre.

Very, very close. The DEQX may have it over the CD-8 (with DAC)/Ref 5 combo .... but it is very close.

Btw, when comparing the DEQX with time and EQ correction engaged or not engaged, or the DEQX DAC (as described above), I use a Radio Shack SPL meter. I find that when the DEQX is engaged, the SPL output is about 1 to 1.5 db higher. I try to compensate to ensure I am comparing apples to apples.
And while some might quibble over whether their system is "flawed," I think a better way to see the picture is that design compromises have been made and time coherence is just one of the compromises. This is especially so when one considers that the "cost" of time coherence may involve ugly sloped speakers, some of which look like insects, and drivers that are being asked to make sound over a wider pass band. Plus, speaker placement can be finicky and I don't like listening to music with my head in a vice.
A few corrections, Bruce:
(1) time coherence/in-coherence in a speaker is NOT a design compromise - it's a design paradigm. Pretty much like Ralph of Atma-sphere deciding to manuf a voltage paradigm or power paradigm amplifier. Once the designer chooses the design paradigm then you can make design compromises (quality of components & other mechanical materials, etc).
(2) Drivers that are being asked to operate over a wider bandwidth in a 1st order x-over time-coherent speaker have been very carefully chosen such that these drivers have zero problems operating over that wider bandwidth. That is why most drivers on the market don't qualify. So, if the 1st order x-over time-coherent is correctly designed then the x-over frequencies will be such that these wider bandwidth capable drivers will have almost zero distortion.
(3) Speaker placement of 1st order x-over time-coherent speakers is NOT finicky & you do NOT need to put your head in a vice to listen to music. Speaker placement & listening placement have some special guidelines such as ensuring that your distance from the speakers is such that you give the sound from the various drivers to integrate & that you place you ear at the correct height off the floor. This is not unreasonable - you would do this for almost any other speaker. Yes, the sliding back/forth of the tweeter to get it correctly time-aligned to the listener's particular distance is a little bit of a trial & error thing but once again it's not unreasonable. The factory cannot set this tweeter position as different listeners listen at different distances & the distances can vary anywhere from 9'-15' depending on the speaker & room size. Once this setup is good/verified by the owner, you can shake you head like Stevie Wonder/Ray Charles or like Cerrot you can dance in your seat - sound from the 1st order x-over time-coherent will not vary....

You seem to be misguided on these few points &/or forgot that these points were discussed at length in the "Sloped Baffle" thread. Anyway, here they are again for your reading pleasure. :-) Hope that this clarifies & helps. Thanks.
Sorry Bombaywalla, I still think some time coherent speakers look like insects or Dr. Who Dileks.

I did audition another unnamed "Brand X" 1st order speaker about 2 years ago and my reaction was surprise and disappointment. It was just plain ugly.

Hey man, at least I'm coming over to your side of the street. I bought a DEQX and effected time coherence improvements. And, my speakers don't look like insects.

09-29-14: Bifwynne
Sorry Bombaywalla, I still think some time coherent speakers look like insects or Dr. Who Dileks.
LOL, Bruce. In my post I NEVER referred to the looks of the speakers - I was trying to stay technical & to the point - but for some reason you like to bring up this topic every time you can - it seems to give you pleasure, no? ;-)

I did audition another unnamed "Brand X" 1st order speaker about 2 years ago and my reaction was surprise and disappointment. It was just plain ugly.
sorry to read this - not every speaker designer knows how to design a good 1st order time-coherent speaker. From your text, tho', it looks like you were pre-dispositioned to dislike them; their looks seemed to have over-taken your better judgement......

Hey man, at least I'm coming over to your side of the street. I bought a DEQX and effected time coherence improvements.
yup! And, I'm happy to see that esp. since you've realized what time coherence is all about & how it positively affects the music playback. It didn't take too long for you to convert once we had all that discussion in the Sloped Baffle thread! :-) You're a quick learner, I say.

And, my speakers don't look like insects.
....but they look like coffins where you can bury your previous time-INcoherent music playback.... ;-)
Bif, when I compared the DEQX DAC to the Chord 64 I was previously using, it was more lively sounding and I happily used this as a replacement. I like very precise transient attack, including bass that is clean & deep but starts/stops very fast. Much more realistic to true life and the DEQX DAC has that

The DAC I changed to at the beginning of 2014 was auditioned first and sounded just as lively but somehow has almost the same analogue 'smoothness' as vinyl (input via the HDP3 balanced XLR input). It gives me exactly what I was looking for

I did a back-to-back comparison yesterday to check again before posting and the DEQX DAC still sounds slightly more artificial and brittle at the extreme top end, a bit more 'Hi-Fi' than natural to my ears