Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
Answering about the Chord DAC, this was input to the DEQX via the phono analogue input so maybe this has some bearing on the slightly dull sound. Having said that, my current DAC inputs via the balanced XLR analogue input and sounds fabulous, definitely smoother and more realistic than the DEQX DAC

Answering about isolation, I already use expensive chords, a dedicated electrical circuit and power conditioning so I am confident that is sorted
Answering about the Chord DAC, this was input to the DEQX via the phono analogue input so maybe this has some bearing on the slightly dull sound. Having said that, my current DAC inputs via the balanced XLR analogue input and sounds fabulous, definitely smoother and more realistic than the DEQX DAC

Answering about isolation, I already use expensive chords, a dedicated electrical circuit and power conditioning so I am confident that is sorted
10-01-14: Drewan77
Answering about the Chord DAC, this was input to the DEQX via the phono analogue input so maybe this has some bearing on the slightly dull sound.
what??? Are you serious??
you input your DAC into the phono analog input of the DEQX & let DEQX RIAA equalize your DAC input?? (The assumption here is that the input is called 'phono' because of the equalization being done to the signal; otherwise, DEQX would have called simply called it an analog input).
You know that phono is RIAA equalized because the bass freq are compressed to make them fit in a reasonable amount of space on a LP?? The effect of this would have been to accentuate your bass & make all your music bass-heavy.
And, you actually made a critical listening decision based on this connection??
wow, Drewan77, I'm amazed.....
Bombaywalla, I'm pretty certain that none of the DEQX products, or at least the current ones, include phono stages. Given that, and also given the considerable level of expertise and experience that is evident in Drewan's posts, and also given that RCA connectors are sometimes referred to as "phono connectors," I would expect that the word "phono" in his statement was simply intended to distinguish the unit's RCA input from the balanced XLR input referred to in his next sentence.

Best regards,
-- Al