Amplifier suggestions

I am using Sony DVP-S7700 as Transport to Theta Casa Nova to Aerial 7B. I would like some suggestions in the $3000.00, (used), range for amplifier. My room is 15'X30'X9' ceilings and I listen to Jazz, Blues and Rock at high volume levels. The Aerial's need an amp with good bass control and high power output. Thanks in advance.
Try a McCormack DNA-1 and send it back to Steve McCormack for serious upgrade. If you get a good price on the amp, you will even have some change left for additional discs.
Goose89---I'm suprised nobody has brought up your choice of transport.A 1200 player whose primary function is for dvd??? I have Pioneer Elite 09;I also have Theata Data 3.for cd playback---Not even close. I'll let the other guys make the amp suggestions.
I am using Aragon amplifiers. My dealer has many amps but choses to drive B&W 801 with an Aragon 6008. I think they are excellent amplifiers. No problem with the bass. To my ears, Krell amplifiers are slightly more refined than Aragon, but at a sificant increase in price. A new 8008 will cost you around 2200.00 unbalanced and 2700.00 balanced. There is a five channel version for 4000.00 and are 3 channel for 2700.00 unbalanced adn about 3100 balanced. YOu will have no problem with the bass response. High are sweet and extended. Also they can be had used for sometimes half of the new retail prices depending upon age. The amps are built like tanks by for Aragon by a company that is in fact a military contractor.
I meant my dealer drives the B&Ws with an 8008. Also the power output into 4 ohms which I think your speakers is 400watts a channel. Your Aerials will be no problem.
EAD powermaster 2000 can be had used for a little over your stated price. Effortless, musical, with tight, deep bass. Can handle 1 ohm loads with ease. Provides 400 watts into 8 ohms x five channels with all channels driven. With dynamic energy steering (using a single 3 horsepower toroidal transformer) can be used as a stereo amp with resultant potential for 1000 watts per channel into 8 ohms! Beautiful cosmetics are icing on the cake.