good to read that you continue to like your purchase of DEQX & that you've come over to the side of time-aligned speakers. :-) Glad you recognize & hear what time-alignment can do for music playback - I feel that all my posts weren't all in vain...... at least one person listened & benefited. :-)
I'll be sure to read Kal's review of the DEQX in the Dec issue of S'phile. Thanks for this heads-up.
good to read that you continue to like your purchase of DEQX & that you've come over to the side of time-aligned speakers. :-) Glad you recognize & hear what time-alignment can do for music playback - I feel that all my posts weren't all in vain...... at least one person listened & benefited. :-)
I'll be sure to read Kal's review of the DEQX in the Dec issue of S'phile. Thanks for this heads-up.