Any merits of getting a Krell FPB 200 C with my existing KRC

Hi just wondering about the merits of upgrading my old KSA 200 S to a FPB 200 C but matching it with my old KRC - the current KCT is just too costly. Are there any merits to getting the Cast tchnology for the FPB 200 C when my preamp doesn't support it?

My other option is to plonk dowwnwards and trade in the KSA 200 S and the KRC for an integrated KAV 300iL - will I expeience a significant drop in sound quality that I'm used to?

Speakers are Acoustic Energy AE 1's which could be a tad bright.

Any feedback much appreciated.
I can only comment on the 300's and not the 200's.
I own both the KSA300's and the FPB300. I use them in a biamped configuration with the PFB on top. I have compared them not in the bi-amped situation, and the FPB blows away the KSA. My preamp was the Krell KBL. Go for the upgrade (but maybe with a non "C" version to save money).
I agree with Drrdiamond; I have compared an older KSA to the FPB300 (which I bought). I prefer the FPB. You also get a very sophisticated set of microprocessors that do surge protection, short-circut protection, and will shut the amp down if it overheats (it must have to be on fire for that to happen!). I also have a FPB250Mc for my center channel. I think from an ergonomic aspect, I would prefer a set of the monoblocks rather than the 110 lb. stereo amp. I haven't really compared sound between the two so I won't comment. As Drrdiamond said, if you aren't going to use the cast technology, you might as well save the money and buy the non-cast, older version. I would bet you could get a pair of 250Mc's for $6000 or pick up a FPB300 for $4000. The $2000 might be better used else where in your system but that's your call.

Good luck!

Two very good points made above. I would say go for the cast version. This is your hobby and you just like me and every other nut out there is always going to upgrade. So I say get the best you can get for the money and build your upgrades around that. Yes there is a diffrence between the ksas and the fpbs the fpbs sound much much better. I had a ksa 150 which was a nice amp. Then I had a Levinson 331 Another nice amp Then I went to a Levinson 335 one of the best amps I have ever heard Now I have a Krell Fpb 200c and that is one of the best amps I have ever heard. Not as layered as the levinson but it sounds great. The Levinson had more space between musicians than the krell but the krell brings the music in your home.
Associated gear:
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Good Luck Email me if I can be of help