Best used amp $750 range

best used amp in the $750 range, have a Classe pre but that will probably be sold soon thanks
I just got done shopping for a used amp in this range, and I ended up with a Perreaux 2150B. Works in class A most of the time and then in AB up to 200 Watts. It is pretty smooth, though not lush like a Classe or YBA. But what it does have is good sound with plenty of power, which is hard to find in most class A amps. Plus it's built like a tank. I saw another one on Ebay just today. I got mine for about $600 including Shipping. Others that I considered were Forte, Bryston, Aragon (the 4004MKII is a must audition) and YBA audio refinement.
The Bryston is a good pick. I'd also encourage you to listen to a Hafler 9270. It is a NICE sounding amp with many of the same characteristics of the Bryston - quick and very warm sounding for SS. Ultimatley, you will want to get an amp that will match well with whatever preamp you are considering. Good luck.
Since you specified a used preamp around $750, I'm amazed that no one has listed the Adcom GFP-750. It's often sold used for $800-900, and is listed as a "Class A" recommended component by Stereophile. Even cheaper used is the Adcom GFP-565, which was a stunningly good preamp that now sells for $350-400. I owned the GFP-565 for a number of years, and it trounced a lot of preamps selling for up to $2K.
i pitty the fool who sells his classe pre and doesn't just buy a used classe audio seventy or fifteen to go with it.