Best used 5 channels amp. for both music and movies

I am looking for a good used 5 channels power amp that will be used 75% for music and 25% for movies. After a few weeks of reading reviews, I came up with a list of amp that is listed from best to worst. Please comment if I am wrong

1. Krell KAV-500
2. Classe CAV-150
3. Proceed Amp-5
4. Pass Labs x5
5. Bryston 9B
6. Aragon 8008x5
7. Sunfire Grand Cinema Signature
8. Parasound HCA-2205
9. Acurus A200x5
10. ATI AT2505

Thanks in advance for your help
I have a Krell KAV-1500, which is a 5 channel amp @ 300watts/channel. I recently biamped my two front main speakers with four channels with the remaining channel for the center speaker. Wow! - I just cannot believe the tremendous improvement in sound in every way - soundstage, high and low-end extensions, clarity, etc. I don't know how a Krell class A amp would sound on my system, but I cannot imagine that it would be much better than bi-amping my speakers with this five-channel, class AB amp. I am now very happy with both stereo music and home theater.

You might want to try to bi-amp your front speakers with a five channel amp, and get a less expensive amp to drive your rear surround speakers for movies. You will be very impressed with the results!
For whatever reason, McIntosh doesn't seem to get reviewed. I would be curious to see some reviews of their HT amps.
the ead powermaster 2000 amp is easily the best there is, with its powersteering design, you get 400x5 in 5 channel and as much as 1000x2 when using 2 channel, I have had the krell 500, the classe cav , and the powermaster is much better, I am running aerial 4 ohm speakers and the powermaster does not even get warm, I could have fried a egg on the krell, also there is no need to biamp with the powersteering feature, good luck
Making lists like this is "fine" IF the rest of the system is taken into consideration. You can list the strong and weak points of each product and then compare these notes with the various aspects of your system. Knowing from others' comments that an amp is "warm with powerful bass" when your system is already "warm with powerful bass" tells you that it is probably not a suitable candidate. This can help to "weed out" various amps and give you what most folks call a "short list" to investigate.

Since you did not mention the sonic characteristics for the other components / speakers / room, there is NO way to tell which amp is "best" for your specific situation. There are some VERY different "flavours" listed, so some may be far more suitable than others depending on the situation. In plain English, what works in System A might fall flat on its' face in System B. On top of all of that, there are probably at least another half dozen amps that should be on your list, depending on who you talk to.

Each system is different enough to where i can emphatically say "there are no "best's" when it comes to audio components". If we were talking measurements alone, you might be able to pick something that is a clear winner. If we are taking into account system interaction regarding sonics, you've got a whole 'nother ball of wax. In the end, it is ALL system and personal taste dependent. Sean
I think that the Jeff Rowland MC-6 would go at the top of the list, followed by the EAD Powermaster 2000/8000/9000 and the Krell KAV1500. I wouldn't include the Sunfire Cinema Sig unless it's modified. They aren't that wonderful for 2 channel. While they don't come up often, but you can find Rowland MC-6's used occasionally. You might want to consider 2 amps...a really good used 2 channel (Krell, Rowland, Mark Levinson, Boulder, etc) and a midrange 3-5 channel for the center/surrounds. That way you'll have the glorious stereo 75% of the time and the HT will be as good as you can find/afford. As Dennis Miller says, "that's just my opinion, I could be wrong".