Quicker warm up advice for pass labs amp

I know in the manual it states mim. one hr. But I find myself longing for that sweet sound that they are so famous for all too soon! Thought somebody out there may have had experience warming up alephs quicker. Please let me in your secrets. I really need my audio fix as soon I get home from work THESE DAY'S. these day's(Jackson Brown song?).
nedlabs_stereo You are making lots of careless posts on here.Do your homework before throwing out advise! The Pass Alephs run continuos Class A and at a constant draw of current.They have oil capacitors that dry out in 10-50 years under normal use.Pass Labs does not recommend leaving them on all the time for this reason.Besides your electric bills would be enormous due to the constant high current draw.PHILIFREAK, get a timer and set it to turn the amp on 1-2 hours before you get home.This is the best way to get your fix when you get home.
There is no REAL solution to warm up time other than having the unit turned on. David's suggestion of a timer may have some validity, but you better make sure that it is a unit rated for high current draw. Something designed for an air conditioner might work pretty good. As to whether or not it would generate more noise into the electrical circuit is debatable. Myself, i see nothing wrong with leaving the amps tuned on all the time. As a technician, i will flatly tell you that turn on surges do way more harm than leaving the unit on AS LONG as the unit is well ventilated. This means it must have at least 8 - 12" of clearance above it and nothing on the sides of it. I have several power amps that idle between 130* - 150* measured directly at the top of the heatsink. Since heat rises, this is a pretty good indication of how hot the unit is running. These amps stay on all the time WITHOUT air conditioning turned on in the house. The only time that i've had a problem with an amp was after turning it off for a period of time and then turning it on. The in-rush current level was so high as the power supply tried to fill the capacitor bank that it caused the bridge rectifier to partially fail. For the record, this amp was designed by Nelson Pass. This is not to bad-rap him or his designs. On the contrary, i love them. Two of the several amps that never get turned off are models that Nelson built and designed. Sean >
Nedlabs-you need another hobby! YOU worked for Pass Labs!!!! What! a cleaner! I spoke to Paul from Pass on the Phone a couple years ago and I stand by my above advise.You should grow up and stop trying to impress ao much.Its not working.Worked for Pass Labs!!?? OK.