integrated amps

Who makes a really good integrated amp, solid state or tube ?
Cary 300sei-appx 15 wattsof magic. No i don't own it but have auditioned it many times. it is on my wish list for my bedroom system. For my sytem I have Classe seperates. Which are very good by the way.
The Classe' CAP100 (Not in production, replaced by the 150/151 has been a very nice integrated. I've run it for almost 3 years with little complaint. Sounds great! (Rega Planet/Oracle Delphi III/Magnaplanar 2.7) Very flexible, plenty of Oomff, a cover on stereophile once. I periodically think I need more, but when I listen, its all there. The only rub....If I were to upgrade, the pre-amp section is probably the weaker half of the unit.
Try YBA Integre - very accomplished piece at a fair price (true entry into serious high end). Also, I'd second Sdcampbell's recommendation of the Bryston BP60 - a fine component, from a company that stands behind its products better than just about anybody. On the low/mid end, the Arcam 7 is nice (I owned one) - the power amp section in particular is strong at the price. The preamp section I found weak though - the upgrade to Bryston BP20 blew me away.
Viva Sentesi or Art audio Diavolo tube integrateds IMO will outperform most seperates if common sence is used in choosing speakers.
I finaly heard the Audio refinement complete! And my conclusion is that Linn Majik is much more detailed and "neutral" sounding, if you will, than the "Complete" or Analogue "Puccini"! Analogue "Puccini" pushes the sound much forward, into the listener, compesating for lack detail! Audio refinement much more "colored" than Majik, so you may "mistaken" it for tube! But again this is just a matter of taste! Still, Linn majik offers much more detail than the competition up to 2k,and some will find it bit "dry" of a sound in the upper end