Speakers for McCormack

I have a McCormack DNA .5 amp and TLC-1 pre-amp and am looking for full range speakers that will make me feel like Billie Holliday is in my room. I thought that the Vandersteen C1s came close but were too big for wife and, surprisingly for their size, lacked bottom end. I want to feel the piano, etc. I would love to hear what others have to help me narrow my search.
Hi Stevie. I am using Thiel 22 with McCormack. It makes music really wonderful-especially for voice. Very very pinpoint and articulating...
You might want to take a look at the Hales Revelation line. Jazz is my favorite genre and I have Revelation 3s paired with a McCormack DNA-1. For the money the Hales are hard to beat. Check out both the 2 and 3 model. You might have a problem getting their size past your wife, though...
I'm using a TLC-1 and 0.5 Deluxe with a pair of ProAc Studio 150's and it's a wonderful match. Not the ultimate in bass extension but everything else, including the way they look, is exceptionally satisfying. Even after months of playing them they always sound better than I expect when I sit down to listen.