Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
It really seems ridiculous to make a product that requires a rep to get it to work to its best. What about a power outage?

Though I think the product has merit, I will wait for a more user friendlier version.
Power outage should not affect the DEQX which stores the information. I have disconnected mine, stored it for weeks and, upon reconnection, it ran as it was. In addition, all the information is stored on your local PC and can be uploaded to the DEQX if necessary.
Ozzy ... hard to say what new technology will bring. At this time, unless one is very tech savvy, I think to get the most of the DEQX, one will need the help of the DEQXPert. Just too many variables and judgments in play.

Kal, you just reviewed the PreMATE. Does it have any auto adjust feature that you can push a button and the DEQX does its thing?

Even if it does, you still gotta move the speakers and mic around in order to time align your speakers.

Ozzy ... right now I admit set-up is tedious. But it only takes about 3 hours and then your done. IMO, the initial inconvenience is worth the gain.

Kal ... your thoughts??
Kr4, Bifwaynee,
Thanks for the responses. Its good to know that the settings will remain intact even with a power failure event.

I have no problem using a mic near the speakers to obtain the speaker characteristic settings. But, moving 215 lb. speakers is not an easy task.

I know I'm repeating myself (I'm old so its ok) I just think if a unit can be constructed that is much more user friendlier, I, and many others would probably buy it.

Are you listening DEQX ?