Tube for CAT Mk3

I,m planing to retube my CAT Mk3, Does anyone had experience which 6922 are best? Pls Comments
Oops, I see that the responder before me warned you already, and more specifically than I could, about voltage ratings. Sorry to be redundant.
Best 6922/6dj8/7308 Siemens 7308/ECC188.A freind who has tried over 20 different tubes from the 6922 family recomended it.Its is the best tube i have ever heard.I put it in the Output stage of my CD Player.The same night my wife sat down and after a few seconds was asking what ihad done to the system.She commented that i must of spent a thousand + to get this improvment.
Call Kevin Deal at upscale audio.Ask him about NOS Radiotechniques.They are great for CAT's
CAT owners beware... Please note that when using different equivalent as for the 6922 at position V6 and V7, you are in risk of blowing a couple of fets. this has happened more than once in my CAT,[recently MK 3 upgraded] so as i read about a guy who throws in 20 [!] different brands/equivalents and thinks everything is workin' sure get's my heart rate up. You may do this searchin'and trying just to get a 'sound' but the CAT has a specific design around the V6 V7 6922, and so uses very closely matched Sovtek reflector series. this is recommended by the factory, and for reason. If you are able to get amperex or siemens or whatever NOS thats ok, but you are indeed one in a million lucky guy who still can come up with a pair which are up to spec's for use at V6 V7 DON'T SAY I DIDN'T WARNED YOU... if in doubt call Ken Stevens [CAT] or Kevin Deal from upscale audio. Happy CAT owner for 7 yrs, wouldn't trade it for any other Enjoy. Ron [the netherlands]
Hi Superclamp, I think you and I met on another thread over this very same issue. I am a CAT Ultimate owner. Since the manual only says no US 6dj8's at positions V6 and V7, I would be very interested to know exactly what CAT told you is and is not acceptable at those positions. You and others on this thread seem to be suggesting that not only US 6dj8's, but perhaps all 6dj8's and all other 6922 equivalents (like the 7308/E188cc and the cca) and even 6922's from brands other than Sovtek (and perhaps Amperex or Siemens) are forbidden. I realize that I will have to give Ken Stevens a call, but considering the rather terse, and not very clarifying warning in the manual, your warning is not very understandable. Can you or perhaps anyone else who has specific knowledge of what is and is not allowed at V6 and V7 shed a very bright light on this subject. How, for example, could only certain brands of European NOS 6922 tubes be acceptable when this is not stated anywhere in the manual? I, too am a very happy CAT owner.