Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
Oh, that DEQX is a beautiful mistress. Was just gobsmacked by how much I was hearing in an Iron and Wine LP I thought I knew so well. And this still with just the set-up wizards.

Did add some GIK panels behind my listening position, and toe'd the speakers in, and brought them closer together.

But looking at the measurement graphs, I think I need to use a real mic stand instead of taping the mic to an old fan. Looks like some artifacts on my plots from measuring that way. Will get a mic stand from a musician buddy shortly.

More tweaking to come. I'll give Drewan77 a holler after my next set of measurements with a proper stand. But already a convert from what I've done already.

Brilliant stuff.
Roscoe ... sorry but your response is not adequate. Tech experts like Al (Almarg) need more specific data. Please elaborate on your reactions. LOL ;-)

Are you giving any thought about asking Larry, the DEXPert, to help you fine tune the set up? Larry and I did two set up sessions and it made a real difference.

And yes, drop the $25 bucks and buy a mic stand.
Glad to hear you are making good progress Roscoeiii

Do you have the means to do measurements outdoors once you acquire a microphone stand? This will result in the purest initial calibration which every subsequent adjustment will be based on

Worth it if you can do it, believe me