Cello, Rowland, Pass, OR Accuphase?

Could you advice on using Avalon Avatars or Eidolons with Mark Levinson 20.6 or 33h? I am looking for other power amps that dissipate less heat. Should run Eidolons. What would you suggest? What's the story on 220 outlets making gear perform better? Regards
A close friend and Accuphase/Avalon dealer here in Denver--John Barnes of Audio Unlimited has been demonstrating the Eidolons with all Accuphase gear (a pair of A50s and the 290 preamp, along with the DP-75 CD player) since the speakers came out. The amps will push the Eidolons in an 18' x24'x10' acoustically-designed listening room to extremely high SPLs. John also has driven the Eidolons with other components he sells, including the big $35,000 Boulder amp, Electrocompaniet, Air Tight, conrad-johnson and Muse, to mention just a few. I've heard nothing that sounds better driving the Eidolons than the A50s. Don't let the 50wpc rating fool you; these are Class A high-current units of extreme efficiency that make magnificent sound with the Eidolons. IMO, the big Boulder didn't do any more for me than the Accuphase amps. Try them, if you can. Very synergistic.
hillyg. most of the terms i used are "net talk." sorry to confuse you. jrdg= Jeff Rowland Design Group. (jeff had to change the name of his products/company several years ago becuz of a lawsuit or threat of one from the folks who make Rowland electonic keyboards.) IMHO="in my humble opinion." BTW="by the way." sorry, i didn't catch that you planned to bridge the accuphases (meaning simply that you use the output from left/right as a single channel, bridging the output posts in the manner recommended by the manufacturer); they'll give you enuf power (not as much as the jrdg) but listen to them a/b'd with at least another choice. BTW, for someone who doesn't claim to be an "audiophile," you're getting into the big leagues with the stuff you are considering.
hello piet. it's been awhile since i've listened to any of the avalon line on levison (the company/not the man) gear. in my experience with avalon products (i've own one variety or another since 1989), they just don't sound their best with levinson amps, which tend to be bright, dark and too forward. maybe madrigal has improved the line, tho i've not heard that with other speaks; e.g. watts/puppys, big thiels, jm labs, etc. BTW, there's a HUGE difference between the avalon avatars and eidolons. the latter are MUCH more revealing of faults in the electronics/frontend(s). you can get by with substantially less power & refinement with the avatars. as to the 220 outlets: as far as i know, this is applicable only to the boulder amps, which are user- switchable from 110 to 220. most other amps are available only as "american," "european," or "asian" models that are factory-set to the electrical standards where they are sold or to be used. when the boulders are run into 220 outlets, they will not clip at any listenable spl. the "smaller" (read $36k or >) boulder amps will clip with relatively inefficient (<85 db; nominal 4 ohms or<) speaks driven @ "live rock" levels (my cuppa tea). but hey, if you got game to go $(USD) 100k or more, JUST FOR THE ELECTRONICS IN A TOP-OF-THE-LINE BOULDER STACK, then you can surely spring for another 220 outlet and matching wiring; if not, you're gonna need to put a differently-configured outlet into the box where ya usta plugin the clothes dryer.
I believe that cello has or will soon go out of business. Witness the large amount of gear that is now flooding Audiogon. David