WOOLCOT AMPS - Anybody heard these?

I have heard these are reasonbaly-priced products and are fast and powerful, but know nothing of their sound. How do they match up against other top-tier tube gear?
contact Ray lombardi @ rjlombardi@aol.com he can tell you all you ever want to know about these amazing amps. they are the absolute best amps to drive Soundlabs A1s as well as other demanding loads. Dick Olsher just had a pair in his house for review. good luck, Rob
I heard an earlier version of the Wolcott at a dealer in southern Cailfornia who was auditioning them as a possible addition to his line. Though quite good, the "breakthrough" Wolcotts were no match for 3 top tier "conventional" tube amps, one close in price. I understand that the amp has been, and in fact, is still, being revised. The dealer chose not to take the work-in-progress on. They are certainly promising. Time will tell.