I have read alot of internet posts and opinions on Preamp and the prevailing train of thought for Passive Preamps is that they are very transparent, open, almost spooky in thier low noise floor, but that they suck out the life of music. I understand why an active may be better because they have the gain needed to drive long cable runs. But if your amplifier and preamplifier are close enough and have agreeing impedences and specifications then the passive would "seem" better than an active preamp. I am confused about the way a preamp is supposed to work in this particular situation, because I thought (not deeply, albeit)a Preamp passive or active was only supposed to pass the signal from input to output as "untouched" as possible? Having no preamp at all would be ideal, if you needed only one input. Wouldnt the Passive Preamp be the better of the two evils (active/passive)? I am asking specifically because I am at the crossroads of upgrading my system. I have a pair of Von Schweikert VR-4 originals and I need a new preamp, amplifier, and DAC to use with a Pioneer DV-414 transport. I would like to be as minimalist as possible which is why I am asking about passive preamps. Monolithic has a hybrid unit that is passive until you hit hit a certain point on the volume control and then the volume control becomes active. Cool, but no remote. Adcom has the unit that is leading my race right now with the the GFP-750, which has the best of both worlds, acitve and passive. I encourage any positive or critiqing comments on my system selection or concerning the topic at hand. The only thing I am concrete on it the speakers, I LOVE THEM, they are staying. Thanks for your time.
I tried a passive preamp with very good results on several amplifiers. The cable runs WERE short, 0.5 meters. A passive I liked a lot, and included a remote was the Creek OBH - 12. Only about $300. To me, one of THE bargains in high end. Minimalist? You bet. I got nice sound out of an NAD 2600A, and a Rogue88. Both of which sounded rich and musical with this combination. I often hear the passive preamp complaints, but I have never used long cable runs, etc.
Just to "second" Trelja, I too have been suprised by a dealer who, having set up a fine high-end system, listened to our raves, only then revealed to us that the preamp was the hidden, passive Creed OBH-12! We must all learn to trust our (own) ears.
I myself prefer an active preamp in my system. But in the past I have used passives from the best in the business, his name is Rick Schulzt and he has a company called Electrontic Vissionary Systems. Check out his website: Best-Gary