SS or tube preamp? Which one?

I have Bryston amps and B & W speakers. I watch 80% movies and 20% music.

Best regards-Henry
Not to ingnore the invective, but for useful suggestions. The Bryston SP-1 is and excellent surround Sound unit and also VERY respectable for 2-channel. The Bryston components have great synergy when used together. The tube SS question is too metaphysical for this venue and you must use your own ears, but for HT tube is not very convenient and it does not match the Bryston well in any case.
I've heard the Bryston amps sound very good with sim pre-amps{SS] and excellent with E.A.R. [tube] sure to be able to try before you decide...good luck, Bluenose

Sorry that i couldn't describe the perform of my Jadis like you guys did when you posted in audiogon.
My writting skill is very bad and always get a C or D in the class.

Is there anyonne using your Jadis JA250 with NOS tubes ?

Synergy is important, and Bryston makes a heck of a good preamp regardless of what kind of system is being installed. The Sonic Frontiers Line series are excellent in that they sound fine, or stay the hell out of the way of the music. They offer through-puts for outboard SS processors and have a pretty cool headphone jack for late night listening. Both tubes and solid state can sound great depending on the system so take your time and check things out thoroughly before you buy.
One thing to consider about tubes...........
If they "warm up" the sound like they're reputed to do, wouldn't that go a long way toward taming those harsh transients and excessive high frequencies that exist on sound tracks? I think Musical Fidelity was touting a product that was supposed to do that very thing. It even received a recommendation from Stereophile.
Good luck!
audio999: i meant no offense toward you personally. we all have shortcomings sometimes in trying to express ourselves. the important thing is to keep learning and contributing to a'gon's base of knowledge. -kelly