Pre-amp with great phonostage (tube)

Need a great Pre (Tube) to record my audiophile LPs to a CD burner. Don't panic. It's just so I can take some of my clasics on the road. I will be using a Planar-25/Grado Reference turntable setup. Because of price I am conserding vintage units but would like all input. PS. Input on Solid State welcome too.
Tube: CAT SL-1, Any model Solid State: Ayre K1 or K3 You really can't do much better than these.
electrocompaniet ec-1a - is a solid-state preamp w/an excellent fono-stage - both mm & mc. not your typical 2-d solid-state presentation. i have one i use as a back-up. not ready to part w/i at this time! doug
Rogue Audio 66 or if you want to get one of the best, The 99 is the ticket! Read the great review of the 66 in the Oct.issue of Stereophile.These preamps have awesome bass,smooth as tubes get and beat out much costlier pramps in layering and depth.Dont buy till you audition a 66 or 99! UU
I'd love to sell my CAT SL-1 Sig Mk III, and its phono stage is superb, but for lower cost I'd go for a used Anthem Pre-1. It was better than an ARC SP-15 I had at the same time, and I've heard from people who should know that it's better than Audible Illusions Modulus 3 as well.