Progressive DVD players?

I am going to purchase a new DVD player and am considering the Sony S7700 (being discontinued). I don't own an HDTV, or HDTV ready, TV that can take advantage of progressive scan, but I will probably purchase one in the near future. Is the quality of progressive scan pictures that much better? I will use the unit 70% for music, 30% for DVD. I am interest in your thoughts on the different players out there.
progressive scan can virtualy double the vertical scaning lines. Yes the picture is noticable better when used with component video connections and used with a HDTV ready t.v. No HDTV ready t.v. then you will get NO benifits using a progressive scan player. Mitsubishi DD-6001 is a nice progressive scan player that incorporates HDCD decoding for audio cd's as well. Good luck
Robk- Jedisqueezer is not quite right. Your TV has to support progressive scan (420p, I think). HDTV is 1080i. Most HDTV's support 420p, and there are some TV's that do not support 1080i but will display a progressive scan picture.
Sorry about that I have REINVISTAGATED and found that SWAMPWALKER is right you only need 420p to get the benifits of progressive scan. But then again why not just go for the HD set so you can get that UNBELIEVABLE picture! Thanks SWAMP!
Actually 420p isn't as hi-rez as 1080i but close. There are excellent benefits to going progressive scan, as I'm about to do myself. Why not future proof as much as possible.