Aloia 13.01i Amps Has anyone heard them?

Dunlavy is going to use these at the C.E.S to power the VI's. They are only 30 watts but are said to have excellent sound with these speakers. I will be auditioning a pair for bi-amping soon.
i have the 13.01 inductive amps and preamp and they are superb. i traded my arc vt100/ls15 combo and haven't looked back. lars fredell at ultimate audio uses them as his reference amp now in place of his lamms. i currently have aliante model one speakers that i biwire but have a pair of von schweikert vr-7's ordered that i intend on biamping. they sound very tube-like,very detailed and crystal clear. it was like a veil had been lifted when i switched from the arc gear to aloia. i think you will love them. give lars an email at ultimate audio and ask him about them.
Hi Calloway, My Wolcott Amps failed for the second time so I ordered the Aloia's for bi-amping along with the aloia pre-amp. I talked directly with Lars and he cant believe how good they compared to his 50,000 in Lamm equipment. I am using Dunlavy V's and will let you no my feedback in a few weeks. How long was the break-in?
snook2....i have had mine for about 3 months now and they continue to improve.lars emailed me today to say that they actually measure at 74w/peak into 8 ohms so they are stronger then advertised. he also really likes the preamp also.only cello and ayre also make inductive amps so aloia is in good vr-7's won't be ready until about the middle to end of nov.let me know how you like them after you get me at