Info on LFD Mistral...?

I heard, that it sounds as good as SET amp? Well, ALMOST as good! However. i cannot find any info. or dealer that my have one of these. I might, even consider trading, my Linn Majik for one of these. Just for sake of trying something new! Thanks!
Eldragon, from the musical tastes you described to me, you sound like the classic candidate for a tube amp. And maybe a warm one at that. Albeit, this would be a major shift in sound from your Linn. I think you may like the sound of an EL34 based amp. You may want to one day audition the CJ CAV50, Jadis Orchestra, Jadis Orchestra Reference(which will accept EL34/6CA7 tubes), or even the Jolida 302B. Don't discount the Jolida, with a quartet of JJ or Svetlana tubes and a good power cord. Sluggo, Sam's article did contain a fair amount of contradictory statements, as I pointed out. And he doesn't listen to blues/rock/pop or even much modern jazz(as I do), so I always take his feelings with a grain of salt. Nevertheless, he is the writer at Stereophile I have the most faith in(Johnathan Scull being my least favorite, by FAR). Yeah it's a magazine, and he gets paid, but would I be as well informed without that magazine(with the ads, reviews, classifieds, etc.)? No.
You are probably right Trelja...however i also "cherish" the "microdinamics" of the ss amp's. Is Jadis detailed enough? I will find out soon! I had friend of mine locating "dealer" in LA area, so when i visit him, i'll find out! Thanks!
Dragon, please pass along the impressions you have of the Jadis equipment. I am curious. I can understand the qualities you like in a good solid state amp. I evolved into tubes, and it was not overnight. I feel that my amp is very good in microdynamics area. The Jolida amp, with the stock Chinese tubes is not the best there. Those tubes have a slow and heavy sound. Almost like a thick oil was poured over the music. JJ tubes really open things up in that area in particular. Could you also pass along the dealer name. I had a really tough time finding Jadis dealers. Thank God he was local, in Philadelphia(what luck), or I am sure I would have never have bought it. Would have went with a Cary, Audio Electronic Supply, or a VAC. I am sure your next amp(whichever you choose) will be absolutely fantastic. Good Luck!