B&K Reference 10/20 Upgrades

I bought this in part for future upgadability. I have the REF 10. Has ANYONE even looked into upgrading 10. I just want to know waht, if anything, is available and a good contact. B&K apparartly doesn't respect email. Any experience helpful. Many Thanks from Ed. Happy hoidays. PLEASE !!!
Shaqspack, I emailed B&K for a instruction manuel on a Remote for my unit. After 2 emails and no response, I called B&K. I told them I needed the manuel and admitted I bought the piece used. Didn't matter to them. I had the manuel emailed in a matter of minutes. What does this add?? B&K has a problem with email, but if you call the number off the website, they are very helpful. Would recommend you call B&K come Jan. Good Luck....LR
Ehm3: Why won't the DACs be ugradeable, that would/could make a difference for some folks. Any reason they could not upgrade the DACs?? If the DACs can't be upgraded, do you think I would be better off to buy a P3A DAC and using my current CD player as a transport and utilizing the analog passthrough available on the Ref 20. I am still pleased with the way the Ref 20 performs on the home theater side. Cheers and a Merry Christmas to all.
Thanks--I'll call them when I want something!! When solid info regarding upgrades is available, I hope we will all post what we find out. I Will, as these forums help me a lot.
I just spoke to B&K. Specifics not yet available. They should have info in 30-60 days.