The best combo under 3K.

Hi: I don't want to go nuts with a home theater setup but I would like something that sounds nice with the Gallo Micro speakers that I recently purchased. (My serious gear is elsewhere in the house.) I haven't followed home theater much, what would be the best processor/amp combo or receiver under 3,000 which can actually be somewhat pleasureable listening to stereo music in addition to HT? (I am thinking that B&K 307, but the audiophile side of me finds it hard to buy a "receiver" as opposed to separates.) Thanks for the advice. mdb
Even if you were trying to put together a "serious" A/V system, I believe a receiver is the way to go. By its very nature movie watching is not sonically a high-end activity and therefore the nth degree refinement of high-end equipment is not truly needed. Any B&K, Denon, Integra (Onkyo), Pioneer (Elite), Sony or Yamaha receiver with a MRSP over $1,500 will do a superb job in a well setup home theater installation. The latest edition of Perfect Vision has a buyers guide to various current models. I believe they rate the B&K as the best performing.
I would agree w/ the above post. As a dealer who sells primarily theater systems, I carry the B&K, Pioneer Elite and Denon products. It is my opinion that the B&K offers the best sound quality, build quality and upgradeability of the bunch. It is the same parts as their seperates, just with a shared power supply. Add in 100% american made, and awesome factory support, and I feel it is no contest.