What is your take on Mapleshade products

I've talked to the designer before and he seems to know what he is talking about. My only concern is he says they have compared their products to products costing 10 times as much and there products win out everytime. That sounds more like a sales pitch.
I use their Double Helix speaker cables and flatwire ICs as well and can't say it any better than Ivan. I've tried other, more expensive cabling and came back to the Mapleshades.

After reading what Ivan said about Pierres power strip, I just may dig it out and give it a try to see if it improves anything.

Folk should know that he was head of the design team on the F-16 Tomcat and A-10 Warthog and got in the secretary of wars hair over supply line efficiency in Europe (Pierre was right). Music was his second passion and his recordings are pretty darn good as well.

All the best,
Ivan, Are you talking about the power strip or the strip inside the maple box? I'm also wondering why he is the only one pushing maple for vibration control?
I have not used his wire products but do have almost all of his recordings which I enjoy very much. They have a great sense of realism and are extremely well recorded (IMHO)...