Aleph-3 Questions

I just recieved my dream amp.So far so good.It has under 50 hours on it.I was wondering if these have a recommended break in time?It sounds very good but honestly I was expecting better.Also has anyone found any tweaks that improve the performance? Cones etc.Thanks!
rogue audio doesn't put the output impedence spec in their 99 preamp manual. at least it wasn't in the manual that came w/*my* 99... which is why i tried crossing the 99's outputs w/differing resistors. as i previously said, a 2.2k-ohm resistor audibly reduced the volume of my rig, when the rogue was hooked up to my 25k-ohm impedence crossover. *no* drop in volume w/the 2.2k-ohm resistor crossing the cary preamp's outputs, which is rated at 800 ohms output impedence. this is why i believe that the rogue 99's output impedence is at least 2k-ohms. i've asked pass labs for input on a 2k-2.4k-ohm preamp driving their aleph-3, & haven't gotten a definitive answer; i'll post it when i receive it.
Kacz: my sentiments exactly! The synergy that exists between an Aleph P and Nelson's amps is wonderful. Tonality, resolution, transparency, silence, and extraordinary depth. (Christ, I sound like a bloody ad...time to get some sleep!)
nelson pass sez that the aleph-3's input impedence is 23k-ohms, not 10k-ohms. he sez it's their balanced amps that have 10k-ohms impedence. so, using a preamp w/2k-2.4k-ohms seems it's right on the edge of what may or may not work. (mr pass *did* say he thought a preamp w/2k-2.4k-ohms output impedence would not be a problem w/the aleph-3). my rogue 99 didn't synergize in my system, w/its 25k-ohm input impedence, your results may vary. regards, doug
I have added approx.50 more hours of burn in time using the burn in track on the Stereophile test CD-3.The amp had about 50 hours on it when I recieved it.It really is opening up very nicely.I am starting to finally be very impressed!! I notice no loss of dynamics,and seems maybe I have a decent match after all.Im looking forward to the next 100 hours.I will report back in another 50 or so.Thanks to Doug for his research for me and to Carl for "rubbing it in" Carl,UP YOURS!! (private joke)
David, I'm very glad this is turning around for you. Maybe you'll be happy, but I also want you to learn to like other types of music. Music that is "beautiful", is still valid music. Why have a "BEYOND CLASS A" amp, just to run distortion rock thru it?..."not that there's anything wrong with that"...just "broaden your horizons" a bit sometime with acoustic instruments in real space played by jazz musicians, and then later maybe by symphony musicians...IT WON'T KILL YOU. I love rock, but it's nice to grow into other things too. It's cerebral (inside joke)...