Jadis 6550? (for CJ Prem. 12)

Does anyone have experience with the Jadis 6550? The local audio dealers and tube shops (here in Hong Kong) seem to like them better than the Tung Sols. Thanx.
Jadis does not make their own tubes. Rather, like Groove Tubes, they relabel someone else's. I suggest you find out whose they use, and go with them. I am not sure of their 6550 supplier(I would guess Sovtek or Svetlana), but their KT90 and 6CA7(EL34 equivalent) is Ei, of the former Yugoslavia. These days Jadis is pushing the KT90, as opposed to 6550. Reasons stated are better power/bass response/tone/tube life.
trelja--according to one of the dealers here, the jadis tubes are chinese made. you're right, i've got a bit more investigating to do. i have not yet heard them and the local hk dealers are not too familiar with the "let me borrow a broken in set of 8" routine. they're said to be warmer than the svetlana 6550c's that i'm using. i guess i take some comfort in the fact that jadis uses ei kt90's (which i've used on again and off again in my system).
Thanks for the information Randalleron! Personally, I use the Ei KT90s in my Jadis. Perhaps they use 6550s from the factory that produces the Golden Dragon line(Shuguang???). I have never gotten open sound from Chinese tubes, but have never tried Golden Dragons(they are supposedly excellent). Usually the Chinese tubes impart a very slow sound, as if a thick oil had been poured over the music(I am sure Jadis would not go for this type of sound, as they are not fond of "warmth"). Moving to European tubes seems to open everything up. I do not like the sound of 6550s, finding them inferior to: KT90s in terms of power, bass response, extension, and tone(besides the fact that KT90s supposedly are much more long lasting); and KT88s in terms of sweetness, warmth, and "glow". I prefer using KT90s in more neutral applications, and KT88s in more romantic ones. But, we all have our preference... Good luck!
The Jadis 6550s I'm using was a special production run by GE for Jadis according to the dealer I've purchased from. and they are much better than the Chinese tubes and are more dynamic and sweet sounding than the Tungsols. I've purchased quite a few quad sets and if you're interested. We can talk. My email address is aphile2000@yahoo.com