Preamp with deep soundstage suggestions

I'm looking for suggestions for a preamp that throws a deep holographic soundstage. I am not as hung up on transparancy or neutrality as I am with lush, deep, imaging. Considering new or used but less than $2000. Associated equip; Graaf 50/50 power amp, Metronome CD-V1 CDP, Jamo Concert 11 speakers. Thanks, Frank
You may want to look at preamps by Blue Circle BC-3.1 and BC-3000. I have owned the BC-3.1 and it threw one heck of a soundstage.
For $2500 to 2800. (used), the Sonic Frontiers Line 3 was a soundstaging monster in my system-- in fact too much in my medium sized room, so I went back to the Line 2. I don't know if you can find what you want for sub $2000. Good Luck. Craig
I've had good results with both the Threshold T2 and the BAT 30SE. Good luck.