Krell FPB200 or Levinson 334 ?

I am looking for a power amp to drive a pair of B&W Nautilus 805. Currently I am hesitating between the FPB200 and 334. They are sold by different dealers so I can't have a A/B comparison. Any opinion please ? I mainly listen to jazz and soft rock, and like pin-point imaging. The CD player originally in my mind is a Wadia 861, but with the current situation with Wadia I think I'll hold on for a while before upgrading my CD player. Thanks.
I have a ML332 with B&W 801's. It is a great combination. If you like a detailed, forward more analytical sound go with the Krell. If you want smoother and more resoultion and more refined go with the Levinson. I listened to both before buying and went with the Levinson. I live in the Chicago area and both dealers were willing to let borrow them for a weekend. I was even fortunate enough to get them the same weekend (pure luck). Listen to them both carefully before buying. Good Luck
John_1 has the best responce. If your going the spend that much money on a new amp. Buy both on the "used market". Try both for a long while, keep the one that is right for YOUR EARS. Both Krell and ML are outstanding companies and provide top notch support and service.