Single-ended amps with Martin Logans

I own a pair of Aerius Martins and want to go for the singled ended amps has anyone out there tried this combo? I am considering Audio Electronics AE-1 Signature ( 5 watts ) or perhaps a Bottlehead ( 3.5 watts) Any other advice? I did listen to the new Klipsh and they sound great but really don't want to part with my Aerius at the same time I thik the sound would be better that my Aerius with my Rogue 88 that I'm using.
To clarify my question above - has anyone used an SET preamp with a SS amp and does it have any of the characteristics of a SET amp?
Dekay I can't imagine that you will EVER get SET sound but with an SET amp. There is no corner cutting to get there and it STARTS with the amp.
Brulee, you are the one who should forgive me. As an avowed tubeophile, I have to agree with you that only SETs sound like SETs(likewise for OTLs). To anyone who is in our camp, there is definitely NO substitute for glassware. Only TUBES sound like TUBES(more like music to many of us). I was only recommending that he not get rid of the Rogue(tubes using KT88s or 6550s) and ML stuff, because they are both nice products. One can get a real world system that offers a glimpse of tremendous openess with push pull tubes(Rogue), a good front end, AND silver cables. Still, not SET, but usable with a broader range of speakers(ML, for example). Dekay, SET is a characteristic of the power amp, not the preamp. It features triode tubes, run single ended(not splitting the waveform as does push pull). It is a very pure, open, clean sound. Not enough space in this thread to go into more detail(maybe we should start a new thread). There are those who will accept no substitute as they are adamant that anything else has bastardized the original waveform.
Tubegroover: Yes it's usually that simple. I also lust recently for a little SET after playing with a Decware (early model with no paint on the chassis) a few weeks ago. I went to their website and see that they now have an optional cage for the little one (we have five cats as I have mentioned in another post) and this would be a must. I would not expect top notch sound for the price but it sure would be fun for the spare bedroom. I am certain that these were the magical amps that a few of our neighbors has around 1960. They also owned Dyanco, Heath, McIntosh and Marantz tube gear but the little ones with just a few tubes and no name badge were the ones that they were always fussing with and showing off to the neighborhood kids and adults. These guys were quite a match, one was an electrician for Westinghouse and the other had a wood shop that was easily the equal of Norm's. One did the electronics and the other made beautiful speaker enclosures for horn loaded systems. I have also checked out the Bottlehead site but doubt if I have the dexterity to build a kit well. I am still researching contemporary speakers to match up with one. Coincident Triumph and Reynaud's Twin look like good candidates considering that the room is 12' x 14'. I have also read everything at the Audio Asylum SET site but find a lot of the "it doesn't look good on paper" BS reviews by people that have not even listened to the gear that they are spouting off about. I guess I will just have to buy one and see. Sorry to bend the thread Nick, but you may want to consider the options I am discussing if you want to try SET's. I am only talking $1500.00 for the system (not including a source). I will keep our main SS system in the living room and the SET will just be a pet system. Good luck with your Martins and though an SET may not be feasible in your price range you may find a tube preamp that will make you smile.
Trelja: I am sold on the SET sound, but always have a tendancy to look for an easy out before spending cash. I have even stupidly considered the SS Audio Refinment as a substitute for tubes. I have owned McIntosh, Eico and Dynaco push/pull amps and agree that SET's are a whole different ball game. Decware also has construction plans for little planar nearfied computer speakers that look fascinating since we may place the computer in the back bedroom. I wouldn't involve the computer into the equation, but would be sitting at it when in the room.