Which AV receiver to buy??

Anybody have any experience with these AV receivers: Outlaw 1050, NAD T-760,770 and Onkyo Interga 7.1 thank you for the help!!
Make certain the receiver has a 5.1 input with no digital conversion (e.g. stays analog). This will be essential if you add a SACD or DVD-Audio player.

Not as important, if you plan to have a progressive video DVD player and TV, it would be nice if it has component video switching.
I hate the remote on my Denon 3300 so much I'm thinking of selling it. The fan does not seem to be loud on mine, can't hear it from my listning chair.
What about the Pioneer Elite A/V processors, excellent features, solid MOSFET amps and great, programable remotes?

I'n sure many will attack me, but many shops I know don't sell Denon anymore because they seemed to break alot, I'm not sure if they've fixed this, but I still worry about it!
I own the Outlaw and have nothing but praise for it. I know of nothing that will hold its own against this unit (for the price). As for the negative reviews, I found out about this reciever from a home theater reviewer buddy of mine, who works for one of the high end home theater mags. He, and his fellow reviewers have nothing but praise for this unit. Unless you plan on spending over a thousand on your reciever, the Outlaw is a no brainer choice.