Crown Amplifier for Advent 300

Have had one respondant to another thread suggest a Crown DC300 as a good power amp mate to go between an Advent 300 and Large Original Advent speakers. Am interested in general info on this amp, as well as the DC150 and DC75 models. I remember them vaguely as being quite handsome units and of good build quality. But I never listened to the amps critically - they were just out of my league - pricewise - back in those days. Any info at all on this equipment will be appreciated.
I thought that the whole idea was "classic/vintage audio" which modern amps are not - yet. I am also under the impression that this is to remain a budget system. Are you interested in modern and pricy gear for this project or will it remain a classic reasonably priced system?
I had not mentioned above, that in the 70's I had used the Advent 300 with (Mr. THX himself) the Holman amp and the Large advents...and had also tried the Yamaha B-2 FET unit. Too long ago to say how good it was or wasn't.
Whatjd: I wonder if the Advents would sound better today without "shag" carpeting? Or do you think that they would have too much bass?
DeKay: good question....but if we start messing around with room acoustics.... Of course there is always double large Advents (do the Walnut ones sound better than the vinyl?), not to mention mounting a Heil driver, from an AMT-1, on the top.
The utility cabinets sounded better when stacked and the Walnut better when used as a pair. The Shag used in these listening tests was multiple hues of green. My ex-brother-in-law still has the AMT-1's but I sold all of the Advents years ago.