headphone pre-amps

Can anybody comment on the improvements they have noticed with headphone pre-amps vs. the headphone circutry of linestage preamp? I'm thinking of buying a tube headphone pre-amp(possibly by Musical Fidelity), or just use my Senhieser 580's w/the DSP unit. Am I likey to hear a significant sonic improvemnt over the DSP Senhieser unit?
Don't have a comparison to offer, but the Senn 580 sounds really good being driven by my Linn Majik. I'm curious about the special circuitry in Headroom's amps that supposedly get the voices outside of your head, but I'm not willing to spend the $4-500 I'm guessing it would take to improve on the Majik's sonics. Haven't heard the surround-processor/amp that's being sold with the 580 now. IMO, the packaging of the DSP with the 580 has a gimmicky feel to it that belies how fine of a headphone the 580 is. But of course, Sennheiser would want serious listeners to spend 75% more on the 600. Can you turn the processor circuits off so it's just a straight headphone amp? Do you have any gripes about how the 580 sounds through the DSP?
to jayboard-no, I don't have any gripes. It sounds good using them either as a straight stereo headphone or as a surround processor.I actually like the sound better in DSP mode--but not substantially better/different.
Can't compare to a good linestage preamp with a headphone output, but according to Headroom itself, they consider the best tube headphone amp the Cary, which really is such a preamp, just happens to have a headphone jack. I can comment on the MF, though -- sounds great! My favorite! I've only compared it to the Creeks, though. I have the Audio Valve on order...
Ramstl, I should have been more specific, cuz I did get a good deal on it. I got mine from Kevin at Upscale Audio, a customer of his brought it in on trade, it's as new and the price was right. He advertised it on Audioshopper, I grabbed it while I was buying some tubes from him. Not sure he has any more, you may want to get in touch with him