Okay, I'm afraid I can't give you much guidance on this. The conditions under which I heard the Trentes were so different from my normal system with the Spendors, and the audition so brief, that I don't want to jump the gun on anything. I think the Trentes have a special quality about them, an organic, natural-sounding midrange that I found very appealing. The midrange of the Spendor is also its strong suit, of course. Both are highly musical in this regard but they have different characters (which I wish I had a vocabulary for). Neither is particularly a champ at imaging or detail, but excel at tone. Based on what I heard, the Trente is not as full-range as the Spendors. The bass seemed lacking in pitch definition and was a bit distracting, but many factors could be responsible for this initial impression. I'd like to have the Trentes at home for a while, and may try to do so. By the way, this audition was part of a shootout with the Silverline 15 and the Refernce 3A MM de Capo. All three were outstanding (within the limitations of small monitors) but very different from one another. I liked the Trentes best but narrowly. The Silverlines do imaging and soundstaging like nobody's business, while the Reference 3A have a smoothness in the midrange that may more than make up for shortcomings elsewhere. All are easy to drive, I believe. How can you go wrong?